Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sid Ahmed Glam was he tapped from his cell? – The Parisian

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| Update:

Burr or clever maneuver? According to Le Figaro, Sid Ahmed Ghlam suspicion of having planned an attack in April 2015 against a church in Villejuif and be linked to the murder of Aurelie Chatelain, has continued during the first six months of his detention, communicate with the outside with a mobile phone from his cell in the prison of Fresnes (Val-de-Marne).

Sid Ahmed Ghlam would thus exchanged thousands of conversations with the outside despite the attention he was supposed to be.

the man would be purchasing this phone with a fellow prisoner, understands TF1 this Saturday which ensures that the phone line was monitored by ISB in connection with another case. Consequently, according to TF1: “for nearly six months, the French intelligence services will therefore listen to all the conversations of young radical Islamist”, especially when he talks with his close its defense strategy. The prison administration would have instructed not to enter the phone. Contacted by AFP, the latter denied outright.

Sid Ahmed Ghlam transferred to the prison Beauvais (Oise)

According to the prison administration (AP), supervisors of Fresnes prison got their hands on this phone chip Nov. 20, a week after the attacks in Paris after “targeted search”. Once the SIM card found, the AP who said they had not been aware of its contents, alert the floor of Creteil and “within two hours, the PC is sent to a search.”

An investigation since November 20 for “concealment of unlawful introduction of prison objects,” does one judicial source said, adding that the prosecution had divested Créteil “there are some days” in favor of that of Paris.

The existence of this investigation was not to be linked to the attacks of 13 November, “told AFP Mr Matthieu de Vallois, counsel for Sid Ahmed Ghlam. The 24 year old student now sleeps in prison Beauvais (Oise), which has a jammer portable




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various Facts

Sid Ahmed Glam was- he tapped from his cell?

Burr or clever maneuver? According to Le Figaro, Sid Ahmed Ghlam suspicion of having planned an attack in April 2015 against a church in Villejuif and be linked to the murder of Aurelie Chatelain, has continued during the first six months …

2016-04-30 1:59:00 p.m.

News News items, various Facts, National, 2016, sid ahmed glam, was he listening to cell


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