Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The biggest robberies of foreign nationals on the road in France, Boursorama

rich strangers in train travel, often to or from an airport are regularly trained, on the A1 Motorway ( AFP/Archives / PHILIPPE HUGUEN )

rich foreigners in the process of circulating, often to or from an airport are regularly trained, on the A1 Motorway ( AFP/Archives / PHILIPPE HUGUEN )

- 21 nov 2016: Two women qataries who had just landed at the airport of le Bourget (Seine-Saint-Denis, north of Paris, are turned with their driver on the highway A1 at the gates of Paris to 21: 30. The two assailants wearing balaclavas take a loot of”at least $ 5 million” in jewellery, clothing and baggage.

- 15 apr 2015: thieves at the door and steal more than 4 million euros of Chanel jewelry a collector of art of origin taiwan. In the middle of the afternoon, the three attackers breaking the glass of his taxi, on the approach to Paris, and take possession of the jewelry before running.

- 17 August 2014: a commando of armed men in balaclavas circulating in two BMW attack a convoy of a dozen cars carrying the entourage of saudi prince Abdel Aziz Bin Fahd visit to Paris, seizing 250,000 euros and diplomatic documents. The convoy went to the Georges V hotel on the Champs-Elysees to le Bourget airport, which was already a multi-millionaire.

- 15 feb 2010: the daughter of The mayor of Kiev is robbed in broad daylight by a thief to the door, on the A1 motorway, between Roissy and Paris, the jewelry of a value of € 4.5 million.

August 20, 1996: pirates of the road dévalisent three Saudi Antibes (Alpes-Maritimes). Their loot is estimated at 20 million francs (3 MILLION EUR) jewelry.

- 4 jul 1993: Marvin Davis, a major shareholder of film studio MGM, and his wife are steal 56 million swiss francs (8.5 M EUR) jewelry, so that they circulate on the outskirts of Antibes (Alpes-Maritimes). Four men, armed and wearing balaclavas, blocked the limousine of the rich American couple and to master their driver, before you grab a briefcase containing jewellery and cash.


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