Friday, January 27, 2017

Primary to left : the work is widening the gap between Valls and Hamon – The World

offering a universal income, the deputy for the Yvelines stimulus a debate that has divided the left.

During the last debate of the primary on the left, on the 25th of January.

This is a topic on which the socialists have been torn apart for years. The fractures were re-opened in 2016, with the law El Khomri, honnie by the slingers of the majority. They reappear today in the speech of Benoit Hamon and Manuel Valls, in favour of the primary of The Beautiful people’s Alliance. In this campaign, the work emerged as a theme cardinal thanks to the deputy for the Yvelines and its proposal to introduce a universal income. Because this idea stems from the assumption that jobs are inexorably doomed to be scarce, leaving many working people in poverty. A phenomenon that the mp for the Yvelines imputes to the growth structurally sluggish western economies and the development of computing and artificial intelligence. According to him, in the long term, a portion of the population would not be able to find its place on the labour market ; therefore, the community must be supportive with respect to the failed system.

A perspective rejected by Mr. Valls, for which the full-employment remains within reach if the appropriate measures are taken. Taking a policy of the offer, the former prime minister proposes, for example, ” preserve the means of production of any new taxation, and [of] give [the employers'] readability by setting, at the beginning of the quinquennium and for five years, the general orientations of fiscal policies conducted in [of] the domains structuring “ such as housing and energy. For him, there is no secret :…


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